Donut Signup

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Thank you for volunteering to help serve on Sunday mornings by picking up the donuts. 

You can pick up the donuts at Tastees Donut & Burger at 619 N Fair Oaks Ave in Pasadena (in the Vallarta shopping center). They are prepaid so you only need to walk in and say, "I'm here to pick up the donuts for Grace Pasadena," and they'll hand you two boxes of 20 dozen donut holes.

Complete the below form indicating when you'll be able to help pick up.

Please reference the donut calendar here for a list of available dates to help. After submitting this form, you'll be given access to the 'donut calendar' which will give you the ability to assign your name to a particular Sunday on the Google calendar. Please write your first and last name on the calendar.

Thank you!



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